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E-learning financing program

 The program aims to provide financing for projects and companies operating in the e-learning sector to achieve the following: 

  • Improving the capabilities of synchronous e-learning as an alternative to traditional teaching methods and leveraging technological advancements.
  • Enhancing instructional design services to efficiently prepare educational materials and content.
  • Developing educational objectives for e-learning, identifying appropriate procedures and means to achieve them, and developing tools for measuring learning levels and feedback.
  • Developing e-learning formats in terms of design, and content, and focusing on interactive education aimed at engaging students as contributors in the learning process.
  • Enhancing teachers' capabilities in dealing with suitable electronic and interactive means to encourage e-learning.
  • Developing assessment methodologies and mechanisms, especially summative assessment, and transitioning to alternative assessment methods used in e-assessment and mark tracking.
  • Developing different learning needs and patterns as part of planning for an equitable and effective educational process.
  • Developing programs and applications suitable for preparing a "mix" of educational materials that align with different learning styles.
  • Providing technological services, devices, internet networks, and other tools. Any other services aimed at developing e-learning forms.

 Financing Features: 

  • Reduced interest rate of 3%.
  • Grace period up to 12 months.
  • Repayment period up to 48 months.

 Application Requirements for Financing: 

  • The borrower must be at least 22 years old.
  • The project should be registered with official departments, institutions, and associations, or possess tax documentation.
  • The borrower must not have overdue installments.
  • The borrower must provide evidence of loan utilization for the intended purposes.
  • Monthly income from the project or other family activities should cover the monthly loan installment.

 Banks Offering This Program: 

  • Bank of Jordan
  • Palestine Investment Bank
  • Palestine Islamic Bank
  • Safa Bank
  • National Bank
  • Egyptian Arab Land Bank
  • Arab Islamic Bank
  • Cairo Amman Bank
  • Housing Bank
  • Arab Bank
  • Jordan Ahli Bank
  • Bank of Palestine 

Financing Application Process: 

Applications for financing are submitted through the Monshati platform:

  • You need to log in or create a new user account to apply for financing.
  • Fill out the information in the financing application and attach the required documents
  • Track the application through the platform and follow up with the bank through which the financing application was submitted.