Patent: A patent is a document granted by the responsible authority as a result of inventing something, which can be a product or a method.
Process for Patent Registration: To register a patent, an application must be submitted to the Ministry of National Economy or one of its accredited directorates. The application must include the following:
- Application form for the patent license, signed by a magistrate judge (notarized).
- Patent specification form (the invention's name must be scientific).
- Brief description of the invention.
- Field of the invention.
- Background (problem and need).
- A full and detailed explanation of the invention in Arabic.
- Publication form in both Arabic and English.
- Protection elements must meet three conditions: Novelty, Industrial Application, and Creative Steps.
- Supporting scientific information or illustrative images (if available).
- Company registration certificate if the applicant is a legal entity or personal identification for individuals.
- The legal power of attorney if the application is submitted by an attorney or lawyer.
- Certified copy of the payment receipt from revenues.
Fees: 30 JOD (application), 20 JOD (application publication), 20 JOD (patent granting).
Note: Protection is granted for 16 years, renewable every 4 years, and shall pay a renewal fee amounting to 40 dinars for every 4 years within this period.
Forms and applications can be downloaded from here.
Industrial Design Registration: To register an industrial design, an application must be submitted to the Ministry of National Economy or one of its accredited directorates. The application must include the following:
- Design publication form.
- Illustrative drawings of the design or model.
- Legal power of attorney if the application is submitted by an attorney.
- Company registration certificate or personal identification for individuals.
- Certified copy of the payment receipt from revenues.
Fees: 20 JOD.
Forms and applications can be downloaded from here.
Access to Information:Through the General Administration of Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Support Centers in Palestinian universities.
Useful Links:
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): WIPO:
- Intellectual Property Basics:
- WIPO's Intellectual Property Portal for searching global databases: