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 A Successful Project in 5 Steps? Is it possible?

The Palestinian work environment is not conducive to the easy establishment of a private project, as some many risks and challenges may hinder the establishment of projects. However, avoiding randomness and following an organized and thoughtful approach helps in the success of establishing, retaining, and developing a project in the future. If you are project owners wondering how to succeed in your projects and how to develop your business, you must understand the elements of a successful project, whether you are starting a small project from scratch or developing your own project. There are rules that you must work on to make your project successful.

 1- Passion: 

If you want to start your project to make a profit, the project will be at risk. Making a profit is one of the most important motivators, but this will not help you during the difficult phases and circumstances of the project's life. You may even stop continuing the project because you are unable to make profits during this time. Therefore, it is important to have love and passion for the project you have decided to establish.

 2- Simplicity: 

Some may think that thinking outside the box means innovating something new, but beware of innovating what people do not want, and be simple in the idea of the project. No matter how people evolve, the wheel will remain circular to them, but if you innovate a square wheel, that might be a new and exciting innovation. But do you think the wheel will turn? For this reason, we have never seen a square wheel. So, try to start where others have left off and try to improve on it in a way that benefits the product or service and the consumer as well.

 3- Organization: 

 One of the most important things you should start with is to put together an organized plan for the success of your project. Set up the initial plan for the project, such as what do we want? What are the next steps? What is your vision for the project in 10 years from now?

 4- Uniqueness: 

 If you do not have a vision and concept for your project and your management style for it, then you are still not qualified to embark on an experience in your professional and practical life. If you speak with successful entrepreneurs, you will find them knowledgeable about most, if not all, of the details related to their project, such as the nature of the product and its strengths and weaknesses, the behavior of suppliers and customers and their expectations, the operating style and management of operations in the project, a vision about bad scenarios and how to deal with them, available alternatives, etc. Be unique in your thinking.

 5- Idea Sharing: 

You alone know all the details of your project, so do not fear that someone will steal your idea and implement the project before you. Try to get as many opinions and ideas as possible that will enhance the success of your project.