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Project Registration

Registration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

It is a regulatory framework and a national institution representing the private sector in the province. All individuals working in the fields of industry, commerce, services, crafts, and contracting, whether companies or individuals, who operate within the geographical scope of the chamber's jurisdiction, are eligible for membership. Affiliation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is mandatory according to Article (9) of the Law issued in 2011 regarding Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Therefore, anyone engaged in commercial or industrial activities with a main or branch office or agency within the chamber's jurisdictional area must join the chamber and pay the required fees and subscriptions.

Steps for Registration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

For Individuals:

  • Merchant Registration Certificate.
  • Lease Agreement or Ownership Document.
  • Craft and Industry License from the Municipality (in some cases).
  • Copy of ID. Card.
  • Passport-sized Photo
    Note: In some cases, certain chambers may require individuals to provide licenses from specific authorities depending on the nature of their work.

    For Companies:

  • Copy of the Companies Registrar Certificate.
  • Lease Agreement or Ownership Document.
  • Craft and Industry License from the Municipality (not mandatory but required by some chambers in certain cases).
  • Company Tax Registration (not mandatory).
  • Copies of Partners' IDs (and if any partner is delegated, copies of the delegates' IDs must be provided).
    Passport-sized Photo Company Seal (if available).

    Note: Some chambers may request some or all of the following documents as needed to ensure the legality of the company, its partners, and its delegates.

    Membership Requirements for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    For Individuals: The person must be a Palestinian national and registered in the commercial register.
    For Companies: The company must be registered with the Companies Registrar at the Ministry of National Economy.

    Important Notes Regarding Membership:
  • Immediate approval of membership is granted, or the application is referred for field inspection (depending on the type of business).
  • If the application is referred for inspection, the process may take 2 to 10 days. After the inspection, approval is granted or the application is rejected.
  • Membership certificate is issued upon payment of membership fees and subscription fees based on the project's capital.
  • Expected duration for membership: one day. In case of field inspection, the duration is 2 to 10 days.

    Registration of Crafts and Industries at Municipalities and Local Councils

    Who Needs to Register with the Crafts and Professions Department:

    Registration with the Crafts and Professions Department at the municipality is required for all professions, crafts, and industries falling within the organizational structure of the municipality. However, doctors, engineers, lawyers, and auditors are exempted from this requirement.

    License Application Form

    The licensing process begins at the municipality, where the craftsperson, manufacturer, or owner of the commercial enterprise goes to the municipality to fill out the craft license application form, accompanied by the following supporting documents: For Individual Projects: Lease Agreement, Copy of the owner's ID For Private or Public Shareholding Companies, in addition to the above requirements, the following must be provided: Articles of Association, Names of Partners, and Companies Registrar Certificate Licensing Procedure: Once the applicant completes and verifies the required documents, the application is forwarded to the engineering department at the municipality for building inspection. Additionally, the licensing process is forwarded to the Ministry of Health's "Environmental Health Unit," which verifies the necessary health conditions are met at the workplace and issues an approval certificate. The craft or profession cannot be practiced before obtaining this certificate.


    Usually, a responsible employee from the Environmental Health Unit visits the factory or enterprise and submits a report on the health conditions of the premises to the authority responsible for granting the license. Similar procedures are undertaken with the Civil Defense. Recommendations from the Environmental Health Unit and Civil Defense are submitted to the municipality. Based on the inspection report results, the applicant may be called to fulfil certain conditions if there are specific deficiencies. Otherwise, the fees must be paid according to the classification of crafts and professions practiced in the municipalities. Subsequently, the applicant is granted the craft license, and they must obtain a profession license from the Property Tax Department.

    Approval from Relevant Authorities:

    The applicant must obtain preliminary approval from the Ministry of National Economy - Industrial Licensing Department if the project is a factory. After completing all required documents, the craft license is issued by the municipality after 20 days. The Environmental Health Unit may refer some crafts and industries to specific authorities related to the nature of the project's work to fulfil licensing procedures, including: Governorate, Ministry of Interior, Police, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation, Traffic Department, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Education, Petroleum and Minerals Authority, Ministry of Information, Tobacco Authority, Ministry of Finance - Income Tax and Value Added Tax - Property Tax.

     Registration with the Ministry of National Economy Requirements:

  • for Obtaining a Merchant Registration Certificate from the Ministry of National Economy: Fill out the application for registration in the commercial register.
  • Fill out the application for a permit to engage in professional trade (application for obtaining a foreign trade transaction number).
  • If the registrant is a company, the registration data is transferred electronically from the company's system. However, it is necessary to appear before the registrar to activate and obtain the certificate.

    Documents Required for Obtaining the Merchant Register:

  • Proof of property ownership or lease agreement.
  • Power of attorney if the application is submitted by a third party (obtained from a notary public at the court). Address of the Ministry of National Economy.
  • Copy of the personal ID if the applicant is an individual.
  • Any other relevant documents.

    Where to Obtain the Merchant Registration Certificate:
  • Ministry of National Economy headquarters.
  • Directorate of the Ministry of Economy in the governorates.
  • Ministry of National Economy's website.

    Requirements for Obtaining a New Trademark Registration Application (Deposit):

  • Submit the trademark registration application.
  • Pay the required fees. 

    Required Documents:

  • Legal power of attorney if the application is submitted by a representative.
  • Copy of the commercial or industrial register and a copy of the company certificate.
  • Two copies of the trademark model.
  • Certified copy of the payment receipt from the revenue department.

    Where to Obtain the Service:
  • Directorate of the Ministry of Economy in the governorates
  • Ministry of National Economy's website

    Requirements for Obtaining a Craftsmanship License:

    The applicant must be a merchant/manufacturer.

    Required Documents:

  • Fill out the application form approved by the directorate.
  • Personal photos.
  • Municipal license.
  • Certificate of good conduct from the Ministry of Interior.
  • Membership certificate from the relevant professional union/association. 
  • Licensed practitioner certificate from the Value Added Tax Department. 
  • Copy of the ID card or passport.
  • Commercial register registration certificate for companies and individuals. 

    Where to Obtain the Service:

    Departments of the Directorate of Precious Metals, according to the relevant department or governorate.

    Features and Benefits of Registration with the Ministry of National Economy:
  • Granting legal status to companies and merchants, ensuring their rights.
  • Merchants' ability to import and export.
  • Ensuring smooth passage of goods through all crossings without complications.
  • Obtaining trademarks.
  • Obtaining commercial agencies.
  • Obtaining a trade name and protecting it to distinguish the commercial enterprise from others and prevent unauthorized use of the name.
  • Opening the door for registration in chambers of commerce, which offer various services and benefits.
  • Benefiting from commercial arbitration according to commercial law. Merchants' ability to obtain bank facilities with guaranteed movable and immovable funds.
  • Preserving the ownership rights of the product and protecting it from counterfeiting. Registration of the name and trademark serves as a facade for companies.
  • Registration enables customers to distinguish products or services from others, thus promoting confidence in the company's products and marketing capabilities.
  • Registration helps ensure product and company quality.
  • Obtaining instructions regarding the product and the obligations that the producer must adhere to in order to avoid regulatory actions from the Consumer Protection Department.
  • Registration contributes to organizing the Palestinian commercial and industrial sector.
  • Registration allows companies or merchants to participate in tenders.
  • Registration enables merchants or companies to receive financial and technical support.
  • Registration allows companies to develop their social and commercial relationships.