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The Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry concludes a training course on "Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing."

On Saturday afternoon, April 16, 2022, the Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry concluded, a training course on "Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing," in the presence of the Chamber's chairman, Mr. Omar Hashem, and members of the Chamber's Board of Directors, Mr. Yassin Dweikat, Mr. Tayel Al-Hawari, and Mr. Bashir Hannini, as well as the course trainers Ms. Nisreen Swaydan and Ms. Heba Masri, and the participants in the course, along with Monshati team member Engineer Diaa Qadomi.

The course was part of the specialized training programs and consultations organized by the Assistance Unit (Monshati) in the Chamber, aiming to provide female owners of SMEs from various sectors with experiences, knowledge, and practical applications, and to equip them with the necessary skills in the field of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial personality traits, preparation of small project plans and financial budgets, as well as in the field of digital marketing, correct methods of reaching the audience, managing online pages, and effective advertising financing.

In his speech on the occasion, the Chamber's chairman, Mr. Omar Hashem, expressed his gratitude to the participants, congratulating them on completing the course, and thanked the trainers.

He stated that the training course comes within the framework of the Chamber's and the Assistance Unit's (Monshati) efforts to increase the efficiency of female entrepreneurs and small emerging economic projects, particularly in entrepreneurship and marketing, considering training courses as one of the mechanisms to acquire new knowledge.

For their part, the trainers expressed their pleasure in conducting the training course for the participants at the Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, praising the importance of the course in meeting their actual needs and enriching their knowledge.

They also expressed their readiness to communicate with the trainees after the course.

The participants expressed their happiness in participating in the training, highlighting the importance and quality of the benefits they gained. They thanked the Chamber's management, the trainers, and the project team. At the end of the course, certificates were handed out to the participants.

The course commenced on April 13, 2022, at the Chamber's hall with the participation of 18 attendees from SMEs, and lasted for 10 training hours.