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Monshati, in collaboration with the Legal Clinic at An-Najah University, held a legal day on "Commercial Contracts: Terms and Conditions"

On June 6, 2023, the Legal Clinic at An-Najah National University, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hebron Governorate, held a legal day on the topic of "Commercial Contracts: Terms and Conditions". The legal day was presented by the Legal Clinic’s lawyer, Mr. Mohammed Al-Atarsh.

Several members of the Chamber of Commerce's board of directors and a number of economic enterprises' owners in Hebron attended the legal day. At the outset, the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Adnan Al-Natsheh, welcomed the attendees and the representative of the Legal Clinic, Mr. Mohammed Al-Atarsh, and emphasized the ongoing partnership with the Legal Clinic at An-Najah University. He commended the activities carried out within the "Monshati" project. Also present at the meeting were the Director of the National Economy Directorate in Hebron City and the chairman of the Association of Accountants. The legal day covered the definition of commercial activities and trade, as well as individuals subject to commercial obligations, including the necessity of registration with the relevant authorities, and the most important provisions they are subject to. Then, the discussion moved on to commercial records and their legal significance. This was followed by a discussion on electronic commercial records and their legal implications. The topic of commercial documents and their types circulated among traders was addressed, along with the legal aspects related to them, including the important conditions related to commercial contracts concluded by traders, such as the arbitration clause and its importance. Finally, the floor was opened for inquiries and questions from the attendees regarding the topic of the meeting, which was characterized by active participation.

It is worth mentioning that this legal day is part of the legal awareness activities provided by the Legal Clinic to members of the community to raise their awareness and equip them with legal knowledge about their rights and legal protection, as part of the Legal Clinic's role towards the community and its contribution to advocating for human rights. This is within the framework of the project to enhance the sustainability of the Legal Clinic at An-Najah National University, supported by the Sawasya II program and implemented through the UNDP, UN Women, and UNICEF.