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Legal day regarding (company and individual registration, trade name, and commercial contracts)

The legal clinic at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Nablus held a legal meeting on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, entitled "Company and Individual Registration, Trade Name, and Commercial Contracts" in the Nablus Governorate. Dr. Ghassan Khaled conducted the legal session, attended by a group of merchants and companies listed in the chamber's records, in addition to a group of lawyers and law students.

The legal session discussed intellectual property and related topics such as trade names, trademarks, fees, and industrial designs, and was followed by a discussion among merchants and project owners about company registration. Dr. Ghassan Khaled clarified the role of each company, its capital, and its characteristics, leading to the discussion of Law No. 42 of 2021 regarding companies. Subsequently, the discussion moved to commercial addresses and trade names, comparing their roles, legal protection, selection methods, and the extent of their mandatory presence.