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Ghadeer Abu Mashal - Farfalla

My project "Farfalla" means "butterfly" in Italian. I chose the Italian language because Italy hosts the first and largest butterfly exhibition, with approximately 60% of rare butterfly species. The project specializes in employing butterflies after they have been preserved in artworks. My name is Ghadeer Abu Mashal, 26 years old and from Gaza. I graduated with honors in Accounting and Finance, but I didn't have a passion for numbers. I loved nature, and whenever I saw people drawing, I wished to be like them, but unfortunately, I was bad at drawing since childhood. However, this time I found my passion and decided to learn drawing. I took courses between my university lectures and learned. It left a mark in the field of arts, like accounting and more. Butterflies had a significant share in my drawings, and every time I saw a butterfly, I loved to observe it and felt great affection when it landed on my hand or shoulder. After finishing university, I decided to learn more about the world of butterflies. I studied everything about them, and the more I read, the more I admired the field, marveling at the Creator's work. The idea of the project never crossed my mind until one day, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a video of someone preserving spiders. It struck me that butterflies have a short lifespan, and after completing their natural life cycle, they mostly retain their beauty. So, why not preserve their beauty? That's how my project started, and I will continue until I build a butterfly garden and raise them while preserving their beauty. I faced difficulty in obtaining certain types of butterflies, especially those not known locally, but I managed to overcome this stage. Currently, I'm struggling with marketing the project, and all my sales so far have been to friends and acquaintances. I don't know where to start with marketing and how. I hope Monshati's training courses will help me more by guiding me to market and achieve the remaining goals of the project. 

Ghadeer Abu Mashal - Farfalla